Cornerstone of a sustainable energy future
The world faces the challenge of maintaining economic growth while reducing and mitigating the effects of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. To avoid a climate catastrophe, we need to achieve “net zero” emissions by 2050 and accelerate the transition to clean energy.
Experts and policymakers are increasingly looking to the use of hydrogen as a potential game-changing technology.
Hydrogen technologies will accelerate renewable energy integration and deployment in the region and pave the way for the transition to a sustainable and green economy.

Waste to Energy Technology
We are supporting a new technology and created a partnership with the company to turn waste into energy.
The project will use an advanced conversion technology (ACT) optimized process of fluidised bed with steam cycle. (CfD) regulations using RDF.
The technology for processing solid waste materials including RDF in a bubbling fluidized bed. With both gasification and combustion technology applied, these energy systems can recover heat in the form of process steam for power generation.

Data Center

Natural Resources and Green Mining

Food and Agriculture

Co-Development Partnership

Solar Power