Fundraising Platform

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We can help your take your community and events fundraising to a new level with an all-in-one platform.

Bellevue Consultants Ltd establish a fundraising platform for most types of fund structures including Listed Funds, Hedged Funds, Property Funds and Private Equity Funds.

Funds can be classified either as an Open Ended (Collective Investment Scheme) or Closed Ended Fund.

A Collective Investment Scheme (“CIS”) is defined under the Securities Act as one:

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A Closed Ended Fund is mostly used for Private Equity or Property / Real Estate Fund. A Closed Ended Fund is defined as an arrangement or a scheme, other than a collective investment scheme whose object is to invest funds, collected from:

Special Purpose Funds may be established as either a Collective Investment Scheme or Closed End Fund. The FSC may, on application, approve a scheme as a Special Purpose Fund if the criterion, under Rule 3 of Financial Services (SPF) Rules 2013 is satisfied:

The FSC shall not approve a scheme holding a Global Business Licence as a Special Purpose Fund. An approval is sought under the Financial Services (Special Purpose Fund) Rules 2013 and may be subject to such conditions as the FSC may deem necessary.

We have partnership with the biggest entities and investors to support the client needs for the projects.

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